Wednesday 8 July 2015

Thoughts on the Nash Repertoire this summer

Opening Bars of Stravinsky's Rite of Spring
I had never heard either Schmitt’s La Tragedie de Salome or Dukas’s La Péri until I found out we were playing them on the course. Now I have listened to them, I think that they are both really interesting pieces and they should throw up some challenges and fun moments. However, the piece I am most looking forward to is The Rite of Spring by Stravinsky. It is an incredible piece but really difficult as well; just looking at the part is slightly scary in its own right. Not many people our age can say that they have played it and I think it will be a lot of fun getting to grips with it. (Sam Buttler, Oboe)

Costume design for Nijinsky's La Peri
Wedi derbyn y gerddoriaeth drwy'r post dw i hyd yn oed yn fwy cyffrous ar gyfer y cwrs. Es ati yn syth i wrando arnynt ar youtube gan fod y darnau i gyd yn ddiarth i mi, ac rwyf wedi gwirioni efo'r Schmitt a'r Dukas a dwi wrth fy modd efo'r Stravinsky (er bod 'na ddim darn ar gyfer telyn!). Mae'r darnau telyn yn edrych yn eithaf heriol ond dw i'n edrych mlaen at y sialens! Mae'r amrywiaeth o fewn y rhaglen yn wych a dwi'n siwr y bydd y cynulleidfaoedd wedi gwirioni ac yn gwerthfawrogi'r rhaglen sy'n amrwyio o ddawns y ballet Ffrengig i drasiedi. (Elain Rhys Jones, Telyn)

After receiving the music through the post I'm even more excited for the course! I instantly searched for the pieces on YouTube since they are all new to me, and I absolutely love the Schmitt and the Dukas as well as the Stravinsky(although it excludes harps!). The harp parts seem very challenging but I'm extremely looking forward for the challenge! The variety within the musical programme is wonderful and I'm certain that the audiences will appreciate the programme that varies from a French ballet dance to a tragedy. (Elain Rhys Jones, Harp)

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